Evaluation Workshop 2012

Evaluating Digital Work for Tenure and Promotion: A Workshop for Evaluators and Candidates at the 2012 MLA Convention

Workshop Leaders: Alison Byerly, Middlebury Coll.; Stephen Olsen, MLA; Katherine A. Rowe, Bryn Mawr Coll.; Susan Schreibman, Trinity Coll. Dublin; Victoria E. Szabo, Duke Univ.

This three-hour workshop offered facilitated discussion of a variety of digital projects in language and literature, focussing on case studies of actual digital projects. Our goal was to propose effective strategies for documenting, presenting, and evaluating a range of scholarly work with digital media, including the building of new scholarly infrastructure as well as the undertaking of new forms of scholarly investigation and communication. The workshop was limited to thirty participants and addressed the concerns of both members of review committees and of candidates coming up for review. A report on the workshop was published in the Chronicle of Higher Education.

Digital projects presented and discussed at the workshop as case studies:


Digital work by workshop participants presented for discussion:

Resources for Evaluating and Supporting Work in Digital Media
Statements and Guidelines

Reports and other Resources

sponsored by the MLA Committee on Information Technology